
Haleakala sunrise

most awkward looking/warmest smartest people at the 30 degree sunrise? ladies and gentlemen, Colleen Soriano and her first ever sleeping bag...

we went whale watching. even though we saw hundreds doing it all week from the beach, they wouldn't jump out of the water. whatever.

glass blowing in Lahaina

Four Seasons for sunset


Nada Surf


The other side of the island...

beautiful Hana Highway greenery


Colleen contemplating the universe. Because that's what you do in Hana. Trust me.

the most beautiful job johnnies you'll ever see

incredible chocolate bar infused with potato chips

Venus Pool

Hana hair


our hut in paradise

motherfucker broke into our jeep and ate half a loaf of bread. then he tried to look exactly like my old cat Fred. i hope you eat a poisonous mouse.

Cocunut Glen's

For Iris

pulled over to watch this little guy splashing around. you know... typical "just driving back from the airport" stuff.

parking space

when it rains... it pours... chocolate milk from the mountains to the sea. I'd swim in that.

the farm

movie set-like entrance to the farm's beach - home of heart shaped rocks, medicine dreams, jumping whales, and beautiful sunrises