November 6, 2011 - using a Lima, Peru airport sushi bar computer for this post, so I don´t have a ton to share in terms of photos... but here´s what´s going on. Post Machu Picchu, Magyar flew home and I stayed in Ollantaytambu with Krissa for a few days with a short trip to Lake Titikaka in the middle. I was sick for about 10 days, but always rallied to do things throughout. One exception was being stuck in bed for a night and watching the entire first season of Breaking Bad. Last week CS and I did a Mexican rendezvous for Kel´s beach wedding followed by a ridiculous hotel stay with last night. Now it´s back south for southern Patagonia and perhaps a travel surprise to write home about if everything works out.
In the meantime, my laptop is on its way back to the states and Doing Whatever I Want is taking a hiatus until Christmas. See you all very soon. XO
Tim came to Mexico.